“Coach JP”
I had the opportunity over the last years to work with athletes from different ages, backgrounds and cultures , with a most recent focus on “athletes on ice”, golfers and tennis players, making sure they are prepared and ready to respond to any challenge they will encounter while performing.
My Theoretical Orientation is defined as from ALL IN to IN WHOLE.
Indeed, I connect with each patient through a creative experimenter mindset and a holistic focus. I privilege the seek for meaningful questions to be developed together rather than being a provider of isolated short term answers. Being active, curious, having a growth, abundance and positive mindset mixed with critical thinking are my ways to support every patient in the process of creating adaptive long terme habits.
Capitalizing on your strengths rather than pathologizing behaviors while being an advocate of multiculturalism and sociocultural matters is my preferred way for reaching and validating your identity, what I define as the major starting point for the therapeutic work. This Integrated Approach insists on connecting various psychological theories and evidences to combine them in a holistic therapeutic philosophy; it goes beyond a technical eclecticism.
If I tend to say that “motivation is a discipline” and that a structure is needed to achieve greatness, I know that it can not be achieved without unconditional positive regard from both consultant and client towards itself : this is where the dialogue starts between the ALL IN to the IN WHOLE .
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